Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Stir snow!

Have you ever heard of stir snow?

Stir snow is when you start going stir crazy because the snow has you stuck in the house for too long! :) :)

Even Aubie has been put in time-out because he wont leave Tickles alone and let her have some peace. I keep saying....'Give him one good swipe with those claws of yours...and he will leave you alone!' just too nice and wont swipe him one good time. He will do some of the funniest things....

he will walk up...and then around her a couple of times...and then act like he is walking away...and then turn around and hit her with his paw! she is walking, he will run up behind her and try to act like he is going to do hit her with his paw...and then run off! Crazy cat. I think Tickles knows he is a crazy cat and that is why she just looks at him and ignores him! She will hiss at him ever so often if he is really pushing her buttons! ha! So, as I type this, he is in time-out in the girl's bathroom for a little bit to allow Tickles a chance to not have to hid from him and can venture out in the house! It as the funniest thing this morning. She was meowing by the door wanting out. So Lily lets her out as she is wanting me to go outside with her too to check out the snow. Well, Tickles was not expecting the snow so as soon as she ran out, she immediately stops..sniffs up to the snow....and then literally sits there for about 5 minutes. I could almost see her brain as she was contemplating making a run out in it...or succeeding to the fact that she was going to have to go back in and be cooped up with that crazy other cat! After the 5 minutes, she was sitting back by the door with a defeated look on her face as I opened the door and let her back in! :)

There wasnt a lot of snow....but more ice, so we have yet another day out tomorrow due to it still being a 'state of emergency.' The girls are SO pumped that there is yet another day out of school...but Tyler and I are going stir crazy to get back to our routine! ha! The roads have opened back up so we are going to venture out here in a little bit and break free from the house to have an early dinner out before it gets dark and everything freezes back up!

The girls havent been that bad as we have been cooped up in the house. They have had NO interest in going out in the snow! The cold and snow...just isnt their thing! I have to admit! I am OVER the cold and snow also! Bring ON warm weather!! There has only been a couple of blow ups between the girls...Alexis has been the only one in time-out during I would say, it has been fine...despite the fact that they have been 'starving' every 10 minutes!!....only to request things like gummies....bubblegum....snack cakes to help with their hunger! OH me! :)

Lily wanted to walk out and check out the snow. That was playing in it...or anything. She was ready to come in 3 minutes after walking out! :)
Before she came in...she wanted to 'touch' the snow! ha!
So pretty even if we didnt get a lot!
Side view!
Front yard! The driveway didnt look as icy as the road!
The road really looked iced over!
Snow on our house!
Yeah...the snowmen on our front porch need to go! I think they are bringing all of this cold! ha!
These two actually said to take their picture! ha! Yes...they are watching tv on Alexis' bed with no sheets or comforter. It was 'washing' day! ha!
Alexis wanted me to take a picture of her dolls and how hard she said she worked changing their clothes and fixing their hair!

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