Monday, January 29, 2018

Emoji tulips!

We conquered Monday!

Whoo hoo!!

It was a rainy and dreary weekend, the whole weekend, so we did a lot of cozy naps and movie watching while the venturing out was rare so today, even though it was a Monday, was a beautiful and sunny day!

These two were 'twinkies' today for school! :) :)
OH how I love tulips and I have SO enjoyed them since I got them over the weekend! me...this picture is perfection! Beautiful tulips....OH how I adore my Valentine decor...and home for lunch on a beautiful day!
To cap off this day, Daddy and Lex made jalapeno cornbread as I made hamburger steak, roasted squash and onions and macaroni and cheese {per Lily's request}  for dinner! AND...The Bachelor is on too! Whoo hoo!...cant get any better! :) Blessed!

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