Tuesday, January 16, 2018

When they see...

When they see...

....that school is cancelled another day.....they scream from happiness!! Alexis throws her Social Studies vocabulary on the table and declares she is done studying since her test is yet again delayed!...

.....that I am coming with the camera because they are playing so well together....Alexis runs and hides from me!....

.....that it is FINALLY snowing.....they run outside and then run right back in to avoid me taking more pictures and because it is 'toooooo cold' outside!....

....so, we have been hunkered down and have been just staying in our pjs..........and enjoying being at home! We did venture out for lunch today and the girls requested that we go in our pjs. So we did! We just went though the drive-thru......and the lady complimented  me on how cute my pjs were! ha! The girls thought it was hilarious! Luckily...I had my sunglasses on and I didnt know her....so my identity, hopefully, was hidden! :) :)

I love when I go in to check on them...and they are not fighting...and actually playing with no tv...no IPAD.....just them...and conversations..and imaginations...and fun sister bonding! :)
As I was taking the picture above of Lily.......Alexis dives over her bed and lands in the floor like this to avoid me taking a picture of her................ SO....I took one anyways because she thought I wouldnt! ha!!
Then...she lets me take one! :)....as Lily is doing some kind of weird and silly pose! ha!
Then....they are SO excited that it is snowing! Lily has changed clothes...at this point...to match her doll...so she requests I take a picture of her matching her 'American Girl, Bitty baby' and to show it snowing also. You cant really see the snow though!
This is all that seemed to be for the girls. They went back in and played...and now we have gotten some snow on the ground but not as much as they had predicted. I do know that it is super cold outside, though....and we have another day off....so, we are officially going to be classified as 'lazy bums' before this is all over! ha! {Im actually fine with that!} :) :)

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