Saturday, January 6, 2018

Kindergarten beauty


We had the 1st JHS pageant today!

Lily looked SO beautiful!

And...despite her refusing to smile half the time she was on stage............she placed as Kindergarten Beauty!

I dont know what her deal was!! But she would smile a little bit and then not the rest of the time! If she would have smiled.....she would have won! {or so I think!} :) Her dress was perfect.......her walk was good...........sooo....!

I asked her....

everyone asked her....

why she didnt smile....

and her response....

'Ehh...I just didnt want to!' OH me that child of mine! Stubborn to the core! :) :) Like I have said since the day she is born....she does everything on her own time and terms! Not ever going to change that! Oh me! :) Im still sooo proud of her and love that she had a good time and her sweet friends all looked beautiful too! It was a fun night! Alexis was bummed that she didnt get to be in it since the pageant was originally set for when we were in NYC. She rooted on her little sister, though, and made the best of it! Lily is spending the night with Abby Grace as I type, Lily had a great night! :) :)

Friday night...rehearsal time with these sweet and sassy girls!
Ready to get her dress on!
Love my little beauty!
I love this one! :)
Little Miss Sassy pants!
Mrs. Sara did a great job on her hair! Alllll the pretty curls! Lily lit up when she saw it!
Heidie Grace, Abby Grace and Lily Grace! ha! Sweet girls!
Love these two! They are the bestest of friends!
So cute!
The stage was decorated really pretty!
 Some shots some friends took of her on stage!
 Lily smiling a little here!
 Sweet friends all dolled up!
 Daddy and Gran with Lily! Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi came to watch her shine too!
She was SOOOOO happy to see her Daddy giving her flowers! So sweet! She beamed when Tyler handed them to her!
Getting her trophy! She won Kindergarten Beauty!
She looks so grown here!
She loves her trophy!
She is a beauty both inside and out!

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