Sunday, January 21, 2018

Thank you Lord!...

for this gorgeous day!

OH how we needed this day to unthaw!!

It blows my mind that we can go from 13 degrees at the beginning of the week to the end at 72 degrees!!


We soaked up today like it was our last day! We made it worth it for sure!

It was so beautiful today...that my girls had on shorts!..........

and Lily asked 'When can we go to the pool!?'

Daddy had to inform her...that we are still in the middle of winter...and that the pool has ice cycles in it! ha! :) :)

After Church...we headed to the the Ladiga Trail for Lily to ride without training wheels for the 1st time! She was a little nervous to do it...but once she took off, she got more comfortable and realized that she could actually ride without them!! I am SO proud of her and how she rode today!

This chick stole my shoes this morning before Church! :) She thinks she is SO grown! :)
When you are worried about your baby's safety but want her to ride in your basket on your bicycle...your Daddy makes her a helmet...and all is well!
On the way home...Lily said...'Daddy, Im glad you made her a helmet because it saved her 8 times!' bahaha! It did save her twice when she was thrown out of the basket for sure! :)
Ready to GO! was a gorgeous day...and we stayed outside until we just couldnt anymore!
Daddy and his little girl!
She did SO good riding!
Love this picture of them two!!
Alexis is a pro!
She had to wait on us some so Lily could catch up! Lily's little legs went as fast as they could and for it to be her first time without training wheels she did awesome!!
She did SOOO good riding for the first time on the trail! Her doll in the basket with her helmet CRACKS me up! :)
Alexis wanted to take a 'selfie' on top of the train tracks! :)
And...of course...we had to play on the playground for a little bit before heading home and jumping on the trampoline and more on the beautiful day! Thank you Lord for the beautiful day!
Cant believe it was shorts weather! These two took their shirts off and covered their eyes and was chasing each other around trying to find each other since they couldnt see! I would say today was a GREAT day.....and a great little day for our family of four!

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