Friday, January 12, 2018

The A & G club!

Whoo hoo!!!

We made it through the first week back and we all survived!

In fact.....we all survived with flying colors!!....

and you want to know how I know?!?!

Because we all have smiles on our faces...and the girls brought home AWESOME report cards!

We were back in the groove with Wednesday night Church also this week so, whew...we are glad to have made it....and have a nice long weekend too!

Our first Wednesday back was so much fun! The kiddos made robots out of each other...and then did a Bible study on how you dont want to make a robot of yourself to be 'better'...'stronger', etc...that God made you exactly how he wanted you to be. Also did a fingerprint craft and how they all had their own fingerprints. They were all so fascinated!  Alexis worked hard to make Elyn a robot!
And this sweet group made robot Gabe! :)
And...TODAY!..whoo hoo...its Friday!! These two were ready to go back to school....and today..they were ready to have a long weekend! :)
THIS chick came home with ALLLL A's! Super proud of her! She has had such a great 4th grade year! {Insert all the happy faces in the world! So thankful for this from last year!}
And..this cool super chick did awesome too! So...if you want to be in the 'A & G' should want to...because it is a cool club that my girls are in! :) :)
I LOVED this sweet note from Alexis' teacher! Makes my heart burst!
And...Lily's teacher wrote that Lily is a super hardworker, so sweet and doing so well in class! GREAT to hear from that little feisty stinker too!! We celebrated tonight by letting the girls choose where to eat to celebrate such a great ending to our first week back!......they chose Effianas! {Of course!} :) So, we had a great dinner and now we are curled up and warm watching movies since we have a cold freeze coming in again! BOO!

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