Monday, January 1, 2018

It is 2018!

I cant go without posting on the 1st day of 2018! RIGHT?!?! :) :)

So, what have we done on the 1st day of 2018?!

Daddy cooked his 'famous' chili and we SO enjoyed it while curled up watching our Tigers play in the Peach Bowl against UCF.

UCF showed up and played awesome. Auburn sank themselves. It was not fun to watch Auburn loose but it is fun watching Georgia loose to Oklahoma right now...and hopefully Bama will loose tonight when they play! :) :)

So, we have not gotten out of our comfy pjs.............ALL day!.......... and we have just relaxed and stayed out of the HISTORY making record lows! It has not gotten above freezing all day!...and wont for a couple of days! Craziness! I am SO ready for warmer weather now that Christmas is over! I am NOT a winter girl!

So, it has been mopping, laundry, cleaning out closets, football, chili eating, book reading, playing kind of day! Perfection!

In about an hour...Im sure Tyler will be watching the Bama game.... but I will be kicking off 2018 by watching the Bachelor! Whooo hooo!! It kicks off tonight! Happy 2018! I would say our first day in the new year was pretty perfect! Here's to many more! :)

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