Thursday, January 4, 2018

Back in the groove!

So...Tyler and I are back at work...

the two little ones are still on Christmas break!

Doesnt seem fair does it?! :)

The girls were supposed to start back today but due to the below freezing temps all week, a pipe burst at Kittystone flooding some halls of the school so it was delayed to begin until Monday!

My two were thrilled!

All of my friends on Facebook were singing the Christmas song...'And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for school to start again!' {Take a guess at the name of the song!} :)

So, I actually like getting back in the groove before the girls and before my students. It gives me some time to ease back into everything and get caught up so it hasnt been bad!

The girls  have enjoyed being at Nan and Pawpaw's since they are getting to keep them since Tyler and I both are at work! They have been shopping, eating at fun places, watching movies, playing on their IPADS and more with them so to say they are having fun is true! Tyler and I are actually enjoying some quiet time too! :) :)

Tyler took this picture of Lily once they finished a book that Lily got from Christmas! It made the cutest zoo! This was taken on Tuesday which was our last day together before the real world struck! We stayed in our 'comfies' and just relaxed and did things like this! A perfect way to gear up for the busy work week that was next!

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