Monday, January 15, 2018

An extra long weekend!


our long weekend...has turned into an extra long weekend!

Im SOOO ready for Summer weather...this is the first winter that BOY we have been HIT with the COLD and the freezing and the ice..and snow! It feels like we have been out of school more than in school for the month of January!

Now...I dont mind that at all!

But....whew, I can not handle this cold! Poor Tickles cant handle it either. She SO loves to be outside and tries her best to stay outside as long as she possibly can...and then she starts meowing at the door ready to fly in! She will sit by the door wanting out..and then once I open the door...she will pause for a minute like 'do I really want to go out in this!?!?' Sometimes she just turns around and goes back to one of her two spots {the dining room chair or the kitchen table chair} and then sometimes she just bites the bullet and takes off!

We have ventured out some while we have been out but for the most part...we have been laying low! We have another day off, tomorrow, due to freezing temps and rain/snow/ice. We shall see what happens! At least we will be snug as a bug here while we see!

Soooo...what should you do when it is SUPER cold outside?!?! Enjoy my newest obsession!! LaLa got me hooked on this while we were in NYC....and I am SO glad I tried hers while we were on vacation! Chai tea! OH my cozy warm..full of goodness yumminess! :) Try it...and THANK me later! :)
 We had a girl's day....and Callie joined us too! We had lunch....with some shopping before seeing Paddington 2! It was such a cute movie!
 These two play so well together and are such sweet friends! had two doctor appointments...long story....nothing bad....thought I had broken my nose...long story, but thankfully it was confirmed that I didnt!......but during my first appointment I stopped by where Tyler and I got married before I went! It was so cute still! It was painted different than when we had our wedding but it made my heart smile to see it still so cute and quaint! Im glad to see it still looking great and being loved by the family that lives in it! I showed this picture to Lily and Alexis and they were both like 'wow!!....that house is SO cute!' :) :)
Now...stay tuned to see how much 'snow' we get tomorrow! Prayers we dont loose power!!

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