Friday, January 26, 2018

We made it!


this is the first full week back at work and BOY, we are all tired!

Im am SO thankful today is Friday! It is supposed to be warmer weather this weekend but chances of rain the whole time. Hopefully the rain will go away and it will be just as beautiful as last Sunday and we can enjoy our weekend!

We shall see!

With it being a full working/school week for us {I know, I got lazy with our 'winter break' that we didnt expect to have!} everything else started back too! Still Church Wednesdays....and dance Thursdays! :) :) We are tired today for sure! I do have to say, though, we had a great week back! All 'smiley' faces for Lily........and all homework catch up for Lex! :)

Tuesday night Tyler and I had the Leadership Appreciation dinner at our Church. It was so nice and great food and we enjoyed a semi 'date night' with our Church family! The girls enjoyed pizza and a Church Church while we had our nice dinner! :) They loved it so it was a win-win! :)
And this is Lily's 'YAYYY!!!....TODAY is FRIDAY!' excitement!..........and 7:00am in the morning...when she was still half asleep and tired from a full week! ha! {Her 'hooray' was lacking a little but she really was pumped at it being Friday!} :) :) :)