Friday, January 19, 2018

3 Things!

I havent done a '3 things' post lately so thought I would catch up on the life of Alexis and Lily!


1. She has become SO obsessed with sushi! YES, she loves it and every time we let her choose where to eat..........she begs to go somewhere with sushi! This girl of mine has a palate of a 30 year old! :)

2. Braces. She is SOOOO excited of the possibility of her getting braces in a couple of months. NOW...hold everyone's horses.... she is not getting braces in a couple of months. Let me explain. Our dentist and I spoke about her teeth the last time we had our regular cleaning. Well, from that conversation she has it in her head that she is getting braces this summer! Yes, she needs braces...when that will be, though, is undetermined. If you ask her...she will tell you, this summer. She keeps changing her mind, daily, as to what color rubber bands she is going to have. She cracks me up with all of this! Now....when the day comes that she actually does get braces....lets see how long it lasts that she is still excited to have them! :) :)

3. Dolls. OH my...she is almost 10 years old and LOVES playing with her dolls more than she did when she was 5! She constantly changes their clothes, feeds them, brushes their hair, takes them to places with us when we go out too! She came to me the other day to show me how she had braided one of her dolls hair. She was SO excited that she had done it! So much so that she told me that one day she is going to open her own 'beauty shop' and do hair and make-up! :)

1.  Reading. She is getting better and better with her reading skills. She kills me how she will think she knows what the next word is {when reading a sentence} just so she can say she read a sentence. Let me explain. For example, the sentence will be 'The dog is going to the mall.' Well, if she doesnt know the word, she will just make up something so her sentence will be 'The dog is for to the mall.' It makes NO sense...but she is excited that she read a full sentence. So, I have to make her start over and sound out the word that she doesnt know right off! Anyways....she is getting there! :)

2. Riding her bike! She is getting better with riding her bike too! Now....she still has a ways to go with being a pro at this. In fact, she makes me nervous while watching her because she doesnt put her feet down fast enough so therefore she has had some crashes. BUT.......she thinks she is a pro...and can ride and ride and wants to take off and ride all around our neighborhood!

3. A stinker! She is a stinker! 100% stinker! She knows how and when to turn the charm on. She knows how to be silly and divert a situation, and she is good at being a stinker too! She is so darn funny and just is her own little self. There is only one Lily Grace Law in this world...and there is NO room for another one!

As for Daddy and I. Well, Daddy is happy to have the Treehouse completed. He is not liking the winter days with having to be outside as his job but can come home and get comfy and binge watch Vikings, the History channel or MythBusters like no other! :) As for me, I am dying for it to be Summer weather and loving the fact that Scandal and How To Get Away With Murder...and The Bachelor are all back in action! :) :)

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