Thursday, January 18, 2018

Painting loves!

We ended our last day....of our 'Winter break' with a bang today!

We loaded up and had a fun girl's lunch...hit Wal-Mart for the fun supplies...and spent the rest of the afternoon at home...

painting Valentine canvases and our fingers and toes! :) :)

The girls LOVE to paint....and what better thing to paint than LOVE?!?!

We cranked up the music and danced and sang as we painted...and while we let the canvases dry, we painted our fingers and toes!

We had a great afternoon....

and now.... work will be back in! have a weekend again! top it off...the weekend is supposed to be in the 60's! We go from 13 degrees at the beginning of the 60 degrees at the end! ONLY Alabama weather!

Getting their ideas....and starting the fun!
They were SO into it!
I have LOST my mind giving her glitter! LOST it! Glitter EVERYWHERE!! I got it up....mostly...we just keep finding a little piece of pink glitter here and there every once and a while now.... :)
Alexis worked soooo hard to do her cursive writing. She loves to write in cursive and so proud of herself that she taught herself how to do it too!
The final product!!
Alexis' final product!
The perfect spot for Lily's!
And...the perfect place for Alexis'! :) LOVE!

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