Thursday, August 29, 2013

And today I wear red!

Alexis is still loving Kindergarten so far! Everyday she has come home ready to see what her homework is for the night and to tell me that she didnt have an "uh oh" face! Tyler and I are going to surprise her tomorrow with going to get ice cream after dinner! I think she will be soo excited and she deserves it, because she has had a great week! :)

Lily is still doing great in her big girl bed! I think she is sleeping better! One funny thing, in her crib I put two pillows on top of each other so she could sleep more raised because her doctor suggested it so she could breathe better. Well, since I have moved her into her big girl bed, I just put one for her to sleep on and put the other pillow at the end of the bed. {just to kind of "block" her from the end of the bed} Well, the other night I went in to check on her....and she had gotten that other pillow and put it on top of the one I had for her and was asleep on both of them! She must like sleeping like that so she did it herself! :)

Today was "wear red" day! Each week Mrs. Pollard has selected a color to wear every Thursday! Today was wear red! Next week I think is wear blue! :) Alexis was soooo excited about dressing up like this! She told me that Thursday is now her favorite day! I hope it is not hard for me to come up with things for her to wear for each color...because she is determined to have every.single.thing. be the color that it is supposed to be! She didnt like this morning that she didnt have red shoes, and she told me that next week she hopes she has blue shoes to wear! {oohh me!} :) I have a feeling I am going to be struggling..especially for like "wear brown" day.....this is going to be interesting! :)

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