Tuesday, August 20, 2013

It's not chocolate.........

And...it's not chocolate......
Let me just say...this is for future reference....to let Lily know, that as amazed as I am....this did happen...and she has to be the world's biggest "Pooping" Queen! :)

I will not go into all...and there are A LOT, too many.....stories of Lily and my experiences I have had with her! I am afraid most times when I get her out of bed because I just dont ever know what "scene" I will be faced with! I have been horrified in Wal~Mart with having to strip Lily down and bathe her in the bathroom, and there have been many of outfits that have just been trashed because I refuse to get all of the stains out...the stories go on and on........

When Alexis was born/little......and even now, she was just not a "pooper." When she was little it really felt like I never changed a dirty diaper...ever...because when it was her "time to go"....it would be at school..or she just wouldnt need to "go" when she was home with us!

With me being so lucky with Alexis...I always said that my next child would "make me pay" for the way I was with Alexis! {in that "department"} {secretly hoping that I would be "lucky" again with getting away with having to not change many "dirty" diapers}     OH MY, Lily has made me pay......oh Lily, has made me pay!! :)

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