Thursday, August 15, 2013

my 23 month big girl!

I just cant get over that Lily is almost 2! This week marks 23 months of Lily being in this world with us! I loose track that she is actually the age she is because she just acts so much older than she really is!

She is talking in sentences now, and just catches on to things so easily! She basically decides when she is ready for something...for example....using a fork, or potty training and just does it herself! This week she has started using the potty and telling me when she needs to go. She has not pooped yet...but I know that will be coming soon! I am just SO proud of her! :)

She loves to hum songs. She knows the words if I sing along with her....for "Twinkle twinkle" or the "A B C" song....but when she is doing it on her own....she hums it! It is soooo sweet to hear her!

She can count to 5 now as well as she knows some colors! She knows pretty much any animal I ask her about as well as she tells me the sound they make!

She is loving Mickey Mouse now! I was wondering when that was coming because at this age Alexis loved it. Lily didnt seem to interested in it until here recently. Now she asks to watch Mickey more than Bolt! :)

She is still stuck to her paci....we are trying! :)

Happy 23 months big girl!

My beautiful little girl! She has my heart! :)

She is SO SO grown...she wants to do everything by herself!

Such a happy girl! She gets so excited for herself when she does things! Like here she is so happy she put her shoes on all by herself!

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