Sunday, August 11, 2013

The last hurrah!......

Tyler and I have been looking forward to this weekend for about a month now! We loaded up and headed down to our favorite place....Auburn! We got up very early yesterday and dropped Lily off at Nan and Pawpaw's and the rest of us took off to Auburn.

We enjoyed swimming and enjoying the day at Grand National Golf Resort! We did absolutely nothing ALL day but lay under the Cabana, swim and get a suntan! It was SO relaxing! I didnt do a thing all day! So, yes I am behind on blogging so I have several new posts below that I did because I had to play catch up! :)

Yesterday afternoon we came in from swimming our hearts out and cleaned up before heading to eat at my ALL time favorite spot..Amsterdam Cafe. We did alot of shopping after we ate and then rode around and saw all the new things and places on Campus before meeting up with Mallory at her new house! It made my night to get to see her and look around her cute little house with all of her roommates! We had a great time catching up with her and meeting all of her friends! I am just SO happy that Mallory loves Auburn as much as I do! I am so thankful that she is happy there and making memories that will last a lifetime!

We got up early this morning and enjoyed the Hotel's breakfast buffet before hitting the pool again! We stayed as long as we could {before we were all just so tired that we couldnt move :) } and then headed back home! We missed Lily, but I know she had a great time with Nan and Pawpaw!

It was a much needed....and perfect time for a great trip to get us nice and rested because starting tomorrow we are going to be VERY busy for the next several weeks! A lot of good stuff coming up for us in the next couple of weeks! :) This is our "last hurrah" before school starts...and the Summer is over! :(

This sassy girl had sooo much fun swimming! She has mastered swimming above the water and under too! She didnt wear her "floatie" any! She was a little fish the whole time! I am soo proud of her and how far she has come just this Summer with swimming!

 OH she cracks me up! She came up to me and I just HAD to take a picture of her! She had on her goggles and her sunglasses....and her hat! She said she needed all of this on so she could swim under water better.....and to see better under water! It was toooo funny!

It made my night to get to visit Mallory! Just last weekend she moved back down to Auburn for Fall Semester, so I was so glad we got to see her cute house! They have it decorated SO cute! All of her friends were so nice too! I was so happy to see her! :)

One thing I wanted to add for my sake! We have been working with Alexis to say "big girl prayers" at night now. Because before she would just do her "standard prayer" she always has said from the time she could talk which is "Dear God...thank you for this day, thank you for Mommy, Daddy, Lexi, Lily and Daddy...Amen" :) She has said this same prayer.....same words...same order, since she was about 2! It has been precious hearing her say this prayer! We dont know why she chose the order of people like she did...or why she thinks Daddy needs to be mentioned more than one time...but it makes my heart smile to hear her pray.

Well I told her that now she is 5 so she needs to do a "big girl" prayer where she prays for things that are on her mind etc.
Well tonight, she said "Dear God, thank you for this day...please be with the birds and the flowers and thank you for my brain!"
It was sooo funny, but so sweet that she is trying to do a "big girl" prayer! She is working on it and she will get better! :)

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