Thursday, August 22, 2013

Day 2 and 3....of Alexis' first week of Kindergarten!

Alexis has had a great week so far with her first week of Kindergarten almost over! :) I am sooo thankful that she is loving every minute of it! Every day she has came home so excited to tell me about her day! {I hope she always keeps that enthusiasm!}

On Tuesday Alexis did not have school because they divided up the class so Mrs. Pollard could have more "one on one" time with each child. So Alexis went Monday and then did not have to go Tuesday. Since she didnt have school.....she got to have Pawpaw day! Well, Nan wanted to she joined them! They had a great day watching Smurfs 2 and shopping! :) Alexis had a great "day off"....but she told me that she was excited to go back to school!

Wednesday was the "official" first day! Alexis' whole class {all 18 of them} got to meet each other! :) Alexis had a great day! She had "homework" which consisted of showing me what days start "color day." Starting next week...each Thursday is "color day"...where they have to wear an entire outfit of whatever color it is! Hearing Alexis explain this to me was pretty precious!...and she is just so excited about getting to do this! :)

I was SO proud of her because she obviously listened really well to the instructions Mrs. Pollard gave her for what to do when she comes into the classroom in the mornings.
She took her book bag off....and hung it up in her cubby!
Then she took out her daily folder from her book bag and put it in the crate
and...then headed over to the "Not here...Here" chart and found her name and put it on her # on the "Im here" side! :)
Then she found her seat and sat down! :)

SUCH a big girl! :) She took her name and put it on her # assigned to her to show she was here! :)
2nd Day of Kindergarten! :)

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