Friday, August 23, 2013

It is Friday!

We have made it through one busy week! WHOO HOOO! My first week of work where I have actually been doing things that involves Clinicals has been great! I have had a lot to do, but it has kept me busy and I have learned alot! :) I am for sure getting my "feet wet!"

Alexis has had a great week! {I am sooo thankful!} I asked Mrs. Pollard this morning how Alexis has been this week. She told me that Alexis is one "peppy, happy, smiling" girl! :) That she is constantly singing and humming....all day! :) Then she said, and she can be loud! haha! Well, she summed Alexis up perfectly!! :) Could not have described her better! :) We are for sure going to have to work with her to not be so "loud"...but Tyler says she gets in honestly straight from I dont know if there will ever be any changing that! :) She did say that Alexis is a good girl and this week she has not gotten in trouble any except for Mrs. Pollard telling her one day to not be as loud. One "uh oh" face {which doesnt mean you are necessarily in trouble}...just a warning and if gotten onto again then she would get a "straight face."  Lucky for her...she didnt get another warning to get a straight face. {Because then she would have been in BIG trouble at home} But, she listened her Mrs. Pollard's warning and lowered her voice. {from singing!} :) Overall, I was very pleased with her report to me about Alexis! I am very proud of my little Kindergartner! :)

Alexis' 3rd day of Kindergarten {Even though it was Thursday so should have been her fourth..she just didnt go Tuesday!}
On her way to school!

It's Friday! She made it through her first week!! :)

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