Monday, August 12, 2013

I hope you dance....

It is that time again! Ballet started today! This year will mark Alexis' third year of dancing! :) She has loved...LOVED every minute of taking dance throughout the years! {unlike her playing tee~ball!} :) She is at a new dance place this year called World of Performing Arts in Oxford. It is the same place I took when I was her age! :)

I didnt get a picture of her in her new leotard...but she looked SO grown up! I will remember to take a picture next week! :)

She is just SO excited that her really good friend Carli is in her class with her! They had such a great time together! We went to dinner with Carli and her mom after dance and by the time we got home, it was perfect timing for bath and bed! :) I cant wait to watch her dance this year and have her third recital! :)

She got her all decked out for dance today! She...of course...had to pick out the MOST "sparkly" leotard they had! :)

Just look at the back! has "jewels" on it...per Alexis! ha! It looks really cute on her...especially with her tan little back!

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