Friday, August 2, 2013


Whew! Week one.....done! :) First week in August....done! Goodness it is already August! Summer is slipping away...and I dont want it to go! I do love football Season though....and of course Alexis is just beside herself excited about Kindergarten starting in a couple of weeks! she asks me how much longer she has until school starts! She says she is loving Summer Camp at the Community Center....but that she is just SO ready for Kitty Stone! {Mostly, I think because she loves the big playground!....and her also thinking that she loves school buses!} ;)

I found out today that her Ballet starts Thursday, August 15th. Alexis is so excited to start back Ballet! She loves it! I just wasnt so happy with where she took this past year, so I am excited about her starting at World of Performing Arts in Oxford. I took there when I was her it will be neat for me to watch Alexis preform there! :)

I made it through my first week of my new job! I survived! :) I didnt run out any this week kicking or maybe my second week will still be the same! :) I am truly blessed at this opportunity and everyone that I have met that I will be working with. Every single person has been nothing but so nice and welcoming to me! Everybody has just tried to bend over backwards to help get me "comfortable"  and settled in! :) I learned the "ropes" this week and so excited to just keep on learning and letting everything "sink" in so when it is time to "dive in", I will be ready!

It has been a little bit of a "culture" shock for me this week with how things are at the CON compared to where I used to work! I no longer have to "punch a clock" or anything and I just dont know what to do with myself! :) I dont have to "rush" anymore and stress myself out on "going and coming!" I am responsible for me...and my Boss and Co~workers are responsible for I get my work done...and they get theirs, and as long as we do that....we are good! Not to mention being close to home now, I am loving that!!

I give the first week of August an A+ :) .............I hope {and pretty sure} the weekend will be the same! :)

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