Sunday, August 18, 2013

Getting ready for the big day!

We have been preparing for the big day tomorrow all day today! The day that I thought would be forever before it was actually here....Alexis' first day of Kindergarten! I have been getting her book bag ready, getting her first day of school outfit ready, painted her toe~nails, got her P.E. shoes together, going over her address, my telephone number, her ABC's and practicing her lunch code. I think we are ready! I know Alexis is ready!

I got out Alexis' old panties this afternoon and asked Lily if she wanted to wear "big girl" panties? She was sooo excited when she put them on! {Yes, she put them on all by herself!} Her little bottom in them are just precious! So accidents in them! {I have my fingers crossed!} :) I dont remember Alexis' little bottom being that small when she wore the same panties! :( Alexis had a couple of accidents before she was fully trained in we shall see how Lily does since she isnt in her pull~ups anymore! :)

Tyler switched out our flags now our Auburn flag is flying high! It is almost that time!! :)

We had Church this morning and then Nan and Pawpaw came over and we ate hotdogs! Tyler and Pawpaw had a ping pong marathon!...........and I was hoping a certain someone beat the other certain someone but I am not sure that happened! :) We are having a nice and relaxing afternoon before it is bedtime and then the BIG day! :)

Sweet big girl!
 Sweet sisters! Lily had to hold all of her toys in order to take a picture!

 "Diva Fashionista" in the making! She wore all of these braclets because she said they all matched her dress! :)

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