Sunday, August 4, 2013

Law Reunion~ 2013

Today we had the Law Reunion in Piedmont. We got up early and headed to Church and then up to visit and see all of the Laws!

We always enjoy this each year! Alexis and Lily have become the "regulars" far as the kids!...but Alexis loves to "meet friends" while we are there and play with them! Each year it seems to get bigger and bigger!

There is always a TON of food and we brought home 3 boxes to go! :)

The girls before Church!{Lily cracks me up with the funny faces that she makes when I get a picture of her!}

 The Law men!

Carly! She is such a sweet girl! :)

Everybody coming in and talking!

My girls being silly!
 Alexis eating sweets! No surprise!

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