Saturday, May 13, 2017

Daddy and two Daughter's Dance 2017!

This year Daddy had two dates!!

The sweetest thing EVER was when I was getting Lily ready............. she came up to me in a slight panic and said 'Mommy, I dont know how to dance!!' 'How do I dance with Daddy!?'

So, we practiced in her room...

and it was the sweetest because she was so serious in learning and when I showed her...

she goes, 'Well, all we do is look like penguins waddling!'


So, she was ready to go!

They had a blast!

I had to take Lily down to mandatory dress rehearsal for ballet in Oxford since the recital is today but {a slight blessing} Alexis was sick and running a fever so I used that to get her out of going so she could rest and get ready for the dance. Her and her Daddy had a date night at Effinas before dancing the night away!

After dress rehearsal, I took Lily to the dance and stayed to take pictures and do a little dancing myself! :) :)

She was SOOOO excited!!
Daddy's two dates!
Daddy's oldest date!
Their 1st dance! Lily, Ryleigh and Jaycee!
Such a sweet picture. This was about the time that I realized Alexis had gotten ahold of someone else's lipstick because the was NOT what she left home with on her lips! She swiped Caroline's lipstick and did about 10 coats on herself! OOHHH me!! :)
She could not wait to find Daddy and dance with him! Then..the rest of the night...we couldnt find her!...........she was toooo busy running around being silly with her friends! She kicked her shoes off and took off! :) :)
We love Miss Riley!
The sweetest! They love each other! As soon as they saw each other........this is what they did! They didnt leave each other's side the rest of the night!
Lily and her sweet friends!
These two danced allll night!
Sweet 'big' friends! :)
Having sooo much fun!
More fun with this crew! I have some funny videos of all of them dancing! bahaha!
See...they were doing the Gangam dance here!
And here!... :) :)
Lily's two 'big' friends! She followed them around like a little puppy for awhile! :)
She loves her Daddy!
Shoes off and picture taking fun!
The best! Memories made for sure!!
I even got in a dance or two with this guy! So fun!

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