Tuesday, May 16, 2017

I couldnt resist!

I just had to do it!

I have been wanting to get my hands on their hair for awhile now but had to wait until their dance recital was over due to them needing a pretty ballet bun!....

So, dance is now over...

and hair is gone!

It was perfect timing because Alexis had knot of caked in food in a section of her hair!


So, now... no more worrying about her dragging her hair through her food!

My hair cutting skills turned out great for this cut! So cute on her! And..side note...she didnt freak out about it being shorter either! Whew! :)
It looks so cute on her!
Here is a 'before' shot of how her hair looked before I chopped it off!
And Miss Lily's cut! I didnt get a front shot! BOO...but hers is cute too!
And...her is a 'before' shot of her hair too! Her new cut looks sooo much better! Her hair looks so much better shorter to me! :)
And....welcome to the flower shop! We are open from 4:30pm until 8:00pm! :) :) WOW at all the flowers the girls got during their recital! We are enjoying them..........throughout our whole house! :)
And, Lily had her last soccer game yesterday for the year! She has LOVED playing soccer and has said that she is looking forward to playing next year too! She has done so well and is a tough little cookie out there! Nothing better but to play all of her friends team for the last game! They were sooo cute out there chasing each other more than kicking the ball! :)
She loves being goalie! I have loved watching her play! Alexis' team is in a tournament this weekend to end their season. We shall see how it goes! :) :)

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