Thursday, May 25, 2017

Schhooools ouuttt...friend day!


I always like to bring things upon myself...

and today was yet another one of those times!...

I started plotting a couple of weeks ago to surprise my girls and some of their friends with a fun day after surprising them from school on the last day! was that day!

Sara Kate, Carli, Caroline and Abby Grace celebrated the last day of school with us and they had SO much fun and SO many sweet memories were made!

I met Gran and we traded cars since she has a 'fancy' new car that has 3 rows and turned it into the 'party wagon' and let the fun begin! :) :)

They were SOOOO excited when they were walking out of school and coming to the car! Alexis cracked me up because she said 'Mommy, how did you get a new car so fast...and why did you get a red one like Alabama?!' Then she realized it was Gran's car! ha!
Love this little sweet friend!
This girl is bigger than me! WHAT!?!?! :)
Backseat crew! They were SO excited!
Let the fun begin!
Baja for the win! They were cracking me up because they were daring each other to eat jalapenos!...and talking about what all restaurants are their favorite. They got all the way to...'My 10th favorite restaurant is....' :) :)
Sweet friends!
Hip...HIP..hoooooray....schoooolllls out! :)
THIS picture...THIS picture makes me laugh SOOO hard! And..THIS picture WILL be recreated when they are...say Seniors! I laughed sooo hard at them wanting me to take a picture of them posing with the tree! It was funny too of them all trying to fit in the tree like Alexis! Bahaha!! Priceless! :)
My favorite! This is SO good of them! Sweet friends!
The girls did everything under the sun today...including eating 3 popsicles...each...and more! :)
The 'cool' 'toooo big for their britches' girls...sat and 'relaxed' {so they said} as they at their 'round 1' of their popsicles! :)
And then they did this for most of the afternoon....they were killing me! They had wardrobe changes about 5 times where they raided Alexis' closet and drawers to dress Alexis..and refix her hair..and put make-up on her so they could make their very own 'music videos'! Carli was....Fashion Director...with hair and make-up, SK was Video Producer....Caroline was Music/Sound Director. Each of them was getting paid '$500.00' per video! They BEGGED me to post their videos to Youtube so Taylor Swift could watch them and be friends with them and help them be rich! OH, I laughed! :) They were sooo serious during all of this too! :) the skill....and the videoing the focus...I could go on...and on! :) :) bahaha!
Sweet friends! Love them all like they are my own! :)
 And...a quick little 'throwback' to 1st grade when I took them for a End of School Fun day too! I picked them up and took them to lunch before sending them back to Kids 1st on this year! :) :) WOW!!......look how little they were!! OH my! :)
Sweet minis! :)

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