Monday, May 15, 2017

Lunch with the family!

We had a whirlwind of fun on Saturday and a very busy and fun Sunday so I am just now getting caught up with it all!

After soccer, we cleaned up and headed to lunch with everyone to celebrate and catch up! Struts in Oxford didnt disappoint before we headed on to the girl's dance recital! All the guys came too, including Andrew, but they didnt want to take pictures! :)

Nannie and her girls!
Wonder what the age total is in this picture?!?! :) :)
All the girls!
Didnt matter what picture {out of about 5} of this group....there wasnt one of all of us looking!
See...Lily is ready to get down by this point! ha!
4 generations in one picture!
Next recital time! Whoo hoo!!

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