Saturday, May 20, 2017


Today was glorious!

We woke up and had Alexis' soccer tournament bright and early this morning so we were up and at'em and ready to conquer the 8:15am! :)

Alexis' team played two games....but didnt win, so we dont have to play again tomorrow for the championship.

I think I can safely say....

that everyone in the Law home isnt sad about that! :)

I think Alexis did the 'happy dance' that soccer season ended today! :)

We headed to get a 'fun' drink from Sonic before heading to the fun at the 'Jamfest' that JSU hosted today.

There were bouncy houses, arts and crafts, booths, live music and more!

It was a fun event and I hope that it continues....and grows when more people catch on about the fun and come!

When we got home...we were nasty, sweaty and stinky messes so we all took showers......

and curled up for movies...

just in PERFECT timing for the afternoon storms to roll in!


All curled up, snug, warm, cozy...watching movies and relaxing the rest of the day!

Perfection! :)

And before the full day even got started...these two took a spin around the block since Daddy is almost done with this baby of his! :) Lily helped him test it out!
I will do a whole post on the go-cart once it is fully complete but just had to share some pictures of them having fun! Lily loved it! :) Daddy took me on a spin....and.....
we broke it! :)
We got up the hill...and turned around...and it fell apart!
I dont think the poor thing could take two big adults riding it at once! So...I had to push Tyler home! So needless to still needs a little more work before it is perfection! :)
Tickles didnt like the go-cart...but loves me to pet her! :)
Then...on to Tourney time! They tried hard but came away with two loses. BOO! But, we dont have to play WHOO HOO! :)
Lily did this while we watched! She was cracking me up! She lined the cards in a looong line and played a matching game!
Then she decided to do magic tricks! I laughed and laughed! This made my day for sure! She gave the cards to her Daddy and said she was going to pick the card...look at it...and put it back in the stack for him to pick her card.
OOOHH, it was hilarious...she kept sticking her card back in the very back of the stack...but to her so thought she was making it 'hard' for him to find her card. Then she as just sooo amazed that he kept guessing her card! I was crying laughing so hard at them!
Jamfest time! They had a great idea!  I hate that the storms came and so Im sure they had to end it since it was supposed to be until 6.  I was sooo glad for the storms though because it was perfection to hear the rain and it to get a little darker and us just enjoy being at home and cozy while relaxing! Thankful for a beautiful day while we were out..and thankful that God said...'Now, it needs to rain..and all be still!' :)
They bounced and bounced!
This was their favorite part! They picked the flowers they wanted and covered the flowers in cheesecloths and then hit the flowers with a hammer! They had sooo much fun! Alexis wanted to keep doing it over and over!
They made art! They LOVED this! SO cool too!
A great day it was!

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