Wednesday, May 17, 2017

The last night of SLAM calls for...


or for Lily...a LOAD full of whipped cream with a ton of sprinkles and candy on top! :) :)

We have loved SLAM on Wednesday nights at Church and sad it is ending for the Summer but we have Vacation Bible School yet to come and not to mention Summer we are excited about all of that!

I have loved seeing my girls love going to Church and learning how to be more like God and how to follow in his example! I have also really enjoyed helping in the 'Princess Training' class with all the sweet girls that were in it! Some of the things they have said and talk about has cracked me up with how honest and silly they are too! :)

We will see SLAM again come the Fall! :)

Look at this cutie cutie cutie pie! :) She had 'Show and Tell' day and so she brought her Lego girl! :) She had to share something that was special to her so she chose her to talk about how she loves to put Legos together and how she got that set for her last birthday!
And..look at her cute new haircut too! {I had to get a frontal picture!} :)
And tonight marked the last night! Both girls have had so much fun! They played the 'ceran wrap' game where they had to speed around the circle trying to unravel it! At the end, there was a prize! They were all going crazy trying to be the one to get it all unraveled!
Their main quote was 'Determination! Deciding it's worth it to finish what you started!' I hope Alexis soaks that in and remembers it!
And, I just had to take this picture because half the girls on Wednesday nights have worn the brand Ruffle Girl at some point! We love it! :) Such cutie pies!
We want ice cream! :)
Ellie, Lex and Audrey! Sweet girls!

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