Monday, May 15, 2017

Most favorite place ever!

Hands down....

Auburn is one of our most favorite places in the world!

We just LOVE Auburn!

So, we headed down after the girl's dance recital and enjoyed our time there!

We made it in plenty of time to change clothes, and head to the pool before it closed! The girls were soooo excited so swim with the 'night lights' as Lily called it! They love how the lights change all different colors in the water!
The water was pretty chilly, unfortunately, so....what did we do?!?! We hit the indoor pool instead! They swam and swam until the pool closed!
Then we headed back to our room and enjoyed having a 'living room' per Lily! We had the 'penthouse' per Tyler! It was awesome!!! SOOOO nice! We stayed up until after 11:00 just relaxing and watching TV!
{Tyler doesnt share very well FYI, as you can see by how he took over the whole couch!} :) :)
We had a huge room with a tv area, kitchen! It was super nice!
So nice!
Here is a good shot of how the room lay-out was! We had two doors!
Yeah.....soooo both girls didnt get in bed until really....REALLY late....
so, I thought they would sleep late......
NOPE, both up at 6:00am {if not a little before!!!} and so I was super glad we had our 'other room' because I cut the TV on low and they watched TV while Tyler and I still slept! So, needless to say...we were the 1st ones to the pool....for awhile.....but soaked up the day and enjoyed every minute!
She thought the water was toooo she hung out and got a suntan with me!
We sat under the cabanas and she played and played with these cups and a water gun! She would pour and shoot and was just in her own little world! We cleaned up and headed to some shopping and then OF COURSE to Amsterdam Cafe to eat and celebrate Mother's Day! It is my favorite favorite! We rounded out the awesome day with Steel City Pops before heading home! We got home just in time for the girls to hit the sack! They slept all the way home but still went straight to bed at 8:00pm when we got home! They were wooorrrnnn out! :) Perfection of a weekend!

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