Monday, May 29, 2017

Memorial Day celebrations!

It was a little dreary but once a couple of raindrops cleared up and was a perfect day to enjoy the water and cook-out!

We ran some errands before heading to Gran's house to enjoy the day and celebrate those who have sacrificed to allow us to to be free and able to live in a country where we are able to enjoy days like today!

Gran, Ben, Nannie, Hogan, Brandon, Linda, {Big Lily}, {Little Andrew}, Mallory and Bill....along with us had a great afternoon!

Yesterday after Church we headed to a great late lunch with Greg, Amanda, Ellie and Elyse Bonds at their new house! We had so much fun eating and chatting with them and see their awesome house! The girls played so well together and we had a great afternoon with them!
Before we left for their house...the girls tried out the homemade popsicles that we had made the day before. We did 'cherry surprise' and they loved it!
Lily and Alexis both gave them an A+++++! :) They cant wait to try something different and make more!
This morning...Daddy perfected the they took it for a spin! Alexis drove! She did soooo well! She was super slow {which was a good thing} but listened to everything her Daddy told her to do!
Look at the concentration! :) :)
She LOVED it! I caught a picture of her jumping up and down and pumping her arm in the air with excitement of how well she drove! ha! :)
Then....we loaded up and headed to Rainbow City! Alexis says Happy Memorial Day!
Red, White, Blue..and this view! about nice and relaxing! :) I could sit in the swing and swing and look at this view allllll day!
Cooking burgers and chatting before eating and riding on the boat and raft! The kids all rode and it was hilarious trying to knock them off! :)
Mallory took this picture. The kiddos played hide and seek and Bill and Mallory were pros at helping them find places to hid on the deck! They were GOOD and helped them with awesome hiding spots! Can you spot Lily?!?!?!?! I was laughing so hard at this spot! It took awhile for {Big Lily} to find her since it was her turn to find everyone! {Little Lily} stayed sooo quiet and still! Bahaha!! :)
We came home...took baths and had a movie night until we all crashed! :)

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