Monday, May 22, 2017

Our Math Whiz...Awards day for Lex!

Today marked the LAST Monday for Alexis' 3rd grade and Lily's Pre-K year!

They are both sooo excited for Summer!

We are SO super proud of Alexis today! She had her Awards Day! She has worked SOOOO hard this year and she dug her heels in and pulled it through to the end!

At the beginning of the year, we were all in tears at how much 3rd grade was a HUGE change from 2nd. Poor Alexis was just struggling to 'mature' more in every aspect. Even areas that we didnt even think!

But...through the tears, struggles, determination, working and working...practicing and practicing {MOSTLY in Math} she has conquered 3rd and I {especially} am just sooo proud of her!

She walked away today with her 'White Eagle' award for reading soooo many books and scoring sooo great on the AR tests from those books and she also got the MATH WHIZ award! The top 'most improved' Math student out of her whole class!

TO SAY Alexis GOT a MATH award!?!?



Her has paid off! SO proud of her!!

Her last 'Monday' of Pre-K! :)
Looking pretty today!
My goodness she is growing! :) Poor thing...a bug bit her twice on her left eye yesterday during Adalee's birthday pool party! Her  eye was really really swollen. You can see it somewhat in this picture. I hated that her eye had to look like that today of all days! She was a trooper though with it!
Ready for awards!
All the 'White Eagles!'
So proud!
She was sooo thrilled when her name was called for the Math Whiz award! Super duper excited for her because that shows hard work pays off!
They did a cute song about 'how we are in this together' at the end to round out the show! :)
Her awards!
Look what else came home today! LOVE these pictures of them from the Daddy/Daughter dance!
Then...I got home...and these two were at my house! They had 'walked' over from Carli's house! {Carrie followed them in her car over!} So, I gave them popsicles...made their day..and they played 'dancing' and made videos the rest of the afternoon....
...........Until it was time for them to 'walk' back home! :) :) :)..........................

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