Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Lily's day!

It is the last week of school... and Lily had her special day yesterday to mark her Pre-K year ending!

It rained 'cats and dogs' so they didnt get to play much at Germania Springs like they had hoped but they still had fun and had snacks, face painting, crafts, etc to make it special!

I am so thankful Lily was approved/accepted into the program because she has grown sooo much this year! She not only has become more confident with herself but she is more confident in knowing how the school 'works' and it makes me grateful that she will roll right into Kindergarten and be comfortable and fine!

Daddy went with her on her special day and they continued the fun together with Los Mex, and yogurt to round out their fun day together!

Since Daddy and Lily were having their special day together...this chick and I enjoyed breakfast together before school to celebrate her hard work this year!
I am suuuuper proud of her!
Miss Bailey came to help paint faces! Lily loves her...and we do too....they had fun under the pavilion despite the rain!
Her 'tattoo' and her flower face! :)
The rain stopped briefly so they got some energy out while they could!
And...did some sidewalk art! :)
While Lily and Daddy were having all the fun...I had fun celebrating this lovely lady retiring. Donna is a very special person and we all love her very much and will miss her when she officially leaves us! It was a special day celebrating her!
P.S. I have the greatest 'work family' I just love them! {me, Tubbs, Tammy, Kristi and Donna} :) :)

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