Monday, May 15, 2017

Dance recital time! 2017!

The girls did awesome during their recital! Both of them just shine while up on stage!

Alexis was sooo excited to have her first jazz recital! She loves ballet...but really loves jazz! :) :)

Lily loves her little dance friends! Anabella and Lily are such sweet friends!
Skylar is such a cutie pie too! Her and Lily are sweet friends also!
Alexis and her little group of friends! They did sooo awesome working together on their dance! While I was watching them on the screen {since I didnt go upstairs} one girl started telling everyone to hurry up and come watch them because, per her, they are the best jazz routine! :)
Waiting backstage!
Lily about to go out with her group!
To prove Alexis did ballet, here is a past picture of her in her costume. Funny story, Tyler got in trouble by one of the workers so he was not able to take pictures of her ballet performance because he had to put his camera up before she was able to dance!
Here she is! Strutting her stuff as she begins her jazz routine!
Little Miss Sass!
She smiled the whooole time! She loved it!..and loves being on stage!

Look at that hip shake! :)
And..look at that hand pop!
Their group did so good!
She shines!!
Bam! Done!
Lily's turn! She was sooo cute!
Perfect toes! :)
Having sooo much fun!
LOVE! with all who came! :) Aunt Pam and Richard!
Gran and Ben!
Nannie and Hogan!
Out of 10 billion was bound to have one where the girls had to blink! :)
LaLa and Meg!
Nan and Pawpaw
Us four finally! :) :)
We actually skipped out and missed awards because we headed to AUBURN to celebrate Mother's Day and just plain old needing some relaxation! :)
Alexis and Lily both received the perfect attendance trophy so I will get them this week and post pictures with their trophies later!
We made perfect time to Auburn, hit the pool for a night sweet and then enjoyed the entire day there before heading home and gearing up for the week! SOOOOO nice!

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