Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Taller than a weed!

Can we say one little one has hit a growth spurt....

and the other.....

well, is frustrated!

Alexis just does not understand that Lily is growing and very well could be taller and bigger than her. She just can not get that through her head! I think she just doesnt want to get it through her head because she does NOT want it to happen!

Lily hit a big growth spurt from our last time measuring them which was 6 months ago!

Alexis....not so much! She hasnt hit a big one! It is coming though...some day! :) :)

Standing tall and still so Daddy can measure! :) She was concentrating so hard! For this one to stay super still...she has to concentrate hard! :)
The tradition of signing her name! :)
And the results are in!! Look at the growth spurt! :)
Alexis' face cracks me up because she is already thinking that Lily has grown more than her! haha!!
She wanted to write in cursive this time and she drew a heart over her name too! :)
And....Lex's results!!
And...the growth winner is......... Lily bug! All smiles and soo happy she has grown so much! I told her it is because she has been drinking her 'new milk' :) :)
And....FRUSTRATED! This is the look Lex gave when it was announced that Lily had grown more....
Not a happy camper! ha! She wasnt happy either that I took this picture of her pouting on the couch too! OH me! :)

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