Thursday, May 4, 2017

Temperature & Flower!

Today the girl's had their Vocabulary Parade at school!

It was Lily's 1st one!

She was a little nervous doing it but she told me she had fun walking and doing it!

Both girls worked hard and made their own posters!

They did a great job!

Flower! :)
Temperature! :)
They worked hard! They were super proud of their words too!
Mrs. Bowman leading the Pre-K!
Some of Lily's friends in her class!
Miss Jaycee! She is the sweetest! She was a flower too!
Here comes Lily! She wasnt too sure of the parade thing! This morning, as I was taking them to school, she asked me why I didnt have any bags of candy in my car?! I asked her why I would need bags of candy....and she said 'Mommy, you have to throw candy out at parades so I need candy!' Haha!..she was thinking like the Christmas parades that she has been to! :) :)
Her serious face! :)
And then here comes the pro! :) I only was able to snap one of her because she walked to fast!
And a little flashback for ya!.......... Alexis' very 1st Vocabulary Parade! {back to her Kindergarten days!!} :)
 1st grade Vocab Parade for Alexis! Doodle!   :)
 And...2nd grade! Her word she chose was Dazzle for 2nd! :)

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