Monday, May 15, 2017

From soccer to Auburn!


Our Saturday was full of fun things!!

We went from soccer, early that morning, all the way to Auburn by nighttime with a ton in between! :) :)

The team ready to start! Lily and Devon are always in the same world together! They have developed a sweet little friendship!
See what I mean! bahaha!
Let's GO!
We have missed a couple of games due to having to go to dance classes since the recital was coming up...but even with that, Lily still never misses a beat once she is back on the field! GOAL!
Giving Coach Aimee a high 5!
She loves soccer and really gets after the ball!
Look at that action!
She is sooo quick too! :)
So close to scoring on this one!
Then her turn to be goalie! Tyler says she is best at goalie! She doesnt let that ball get by her!!
Then...round 2 of soccer with Alexis!
They won their game!
At one point on the way down to Auburn....I asked Alexis what her favorites were from that day...and she said....ballet, jazz and eating lunch! I said.....what about soccer?!?!.........and she said..'Nope, soccer wasnt included as one of her favorites!' Tyler and I just died laughing. We at least gave it a whirl but after Saturday, I think she is going to be glad soccer is done.
Then after soccer, we headed home for showers and a TON more fun things to do in one day!
Stay tuned! :)

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