Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Another surprise party!

 How many surprise party can one girl have..........


as many as we can have!

We had a family surprise party at Alexis' favorite restaurant! We enjoyed eating, chatting and celebrating our 13 year old!

She was surprised!....but said she saw everyone's car out in the parking lot. Ha!

Our 13 year old!
Nannie and her oldest great grandchild!
Love! The other side of the table.
The middle of the table!
Then Lily informed us that we left her out of the family picture. Well.....sooo...we took a family picture! :)

Her favorite!

Cookie cake for the win!

Making her wish!

Then she got another surprise as they sang to her and brought her ice cream! She had a great night with family and felt so loved!

We booked it to tumbling right after so we had a full night!

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