Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Our last day in San Diego!

 We made the most of our long weekend........NO doubt!

On our last day...we spent the full day with Margie, Blake and Hank!

Just what we needed!

We went to SeaWorld and enjoyed there.....though we were all disappointed because there was NO question they had FULL capacity with people but half capacity with riding the rides and the shows. No additional show we didnt get to do all that much because shows became full hours before it started and the wait lines were around 3 hours to ride certain rides. Of course...they are not going to lose money during a pandemic...but dont care if the people in there can do anything/ride long as they get their money! Very frustrating! 

What we could do...though...was fun and we had fun despite the situation!

We were sooo excited!

Alllll of them thought they were going to ride this HUGE coaster behind them!

 Well...Lily ended up being too short...Margie got Lily and Margie ended up here while Blake and Lex did that giant coaster! I can NOT believe Lex did it! It went backwards..upside down and fast! Way bigger and nothing like any one she has ever done! Blake and Lex were alll smiles when they got off!

Margie and Lily had fun on the swings while Mom and I held Hank and fed him!

Bigger than her head!

 She begged for this stuff! ha!

 Though we didnt get to ride many rides or see many shows...we were not going to leave without at least seeing the whale show!

This was worth all the time and money! Great show!

So cool!

Checking out the cool flamingos!

Since SeaWorld was SO crowded we loaded up and did more exploring! We saw the US Midway ship! SO cool!

 Of course you cant go to San Diego without seeing this statue! It was HUGE!

We checked out all the submarines and the ships! The fact that they are still in pretty cool!


Then we went shopping and went to Margie's store! The girls thought it was so cool!

After we went and had a yummy dinner and then went back to their home for THIS before we headed home to crash!

This was our ride! The best!

This is where we stayed! It doesnt seem like much but it was really nice inside!

It reminded me of Cobra Kai movie that Tyler and I watched on Netflix! ha!

Early Monday....on our way back to Alabama! We soooo enjoyed our time and seeing the Murphys!

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