Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Last day of 3rd grade!...Pandemic style!

 Lily conquered 3rd grade............IN A PANDEMIC!

I just have NO words!

I dreaded........DREADED 3rd for her!

Nervous wreck!

And to have it in the crazy pandemic with alllll the changes....all the remote learning...virtual learning..half a week school days...this and that...and that and this...that we had to deal with....

she bloomed!

She had such a great year! 

I am SO proud of her and how hard she worked and I just have no words!

So....on to 4th we go!

Welcome Summer!

Look at this girl! Just growing up!

Such a great year for this one! Love her and so happy and proud of her!
1st day....WOW at her growth this year!....both physically and mostly mental!

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