Wednesday, June 2, 2021

The Hollywood sign!

 Alllll my life....I have wondered what it is like to see the Hollywood sign in California!

The last time I went to San Diego to visit Blake, I thought we might get to see it then! Well, Blake was new to the area and had thought it would take like 5 hours to get there from where he lived. Well, come to find is only an hour and a half!!

SO....there was NO doubt that the next time I came to visit......I was going to MAKE IT happen to see it!

And...I did just that!

Rented a car...

and we took off!

So excited!

We trekked up a HUGE mountain and made it to Griffith park! Well, that was beautiful and all...but we quickly realized to actually get to the top {from there} to the sign...we were going to have to hike 6 miles. 

SO we said NO! ha!

I asked a local man and he immediately told us a better place/park to go that the locals know to see the sign so we took off there! {let me remind you....if we didnt have our car...none of this would have been possible!} 

The ride to the 'local area' was pretty scary at times! ha! I had to go around some sharp curves. Up some really high peaks but we made it and it was a cool experience to see all the fancy homes as we passed alllll the way to the top!

 Just like what I imagined from the movies!

Some Cali girls!

It ws further away than we had hoped...yet it seemed so close too! There was a beautiful park with bright green grass right below us that you can kind of see behind them.

Lily bug!
The view was neat to see with alllll the homes along!

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