Monday, June 28, 2021

BOOM! was touch and go for the longest if the fireworks were even going to happen.

When we first got was a beautiful afternoon! We enjoyed walking around and seeing the cars...and getting ice cream and Kona Ice {for the 2nd time in the same day!}

Then...out of no where...........the bottom fell out! Huge dark clouds and thunder and lightening with heavy rain! Luckily we were inside so we all just hung out and waited for it to end.

About 8:30 the rain stopped and the fireworks happened!

We sat way too the BOOMS and the smoke was a lot but the actual fireworks were great!

Quick family picture! Alexis was the only one not supporting Red, White, and Blue!

WK came with us....and the booked it to the ice cream! We enjoyed Cane Creek Grill before heading over. It was delish!
Tyler enjoyed all the cars. He said this was his favorite.
Ran into this guy doing security!

And ran into Grey and Gran so we saw them for a little bit!

These two sure do love hanging out with each other.
They had a blast hitting Alexis' old birthday balloons! ha! I knew they would be a hit so I brought them!
Finally time! It was worth it.......................if we would have backed up from them! ha! But a great show! Cassell jumped up and down the entire time because she loved them so much! :)

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