Friday, June 18, 2021

The BEACH! was much needed! was just what the doctor ordered!

We were relaxed...we hit the beach and the pool every day..............we ate good food....ate a TON of yogurt....shopped....just had so much fun!

We had a great time bringing Ella along. The biggest memory of her.......was Ella vs the bologna sandwich. It will in my head when I see bologna! :) That girl........loves her some chips too! ha!

When we made it down...we hit up one of our favorites...Tazikis and then HIT the pool and beach the rest of the afternoon!

These two were just soooooo excited! Cant you tell! :)

Toes in the water!....................LOVE!

Day 2! We did beach...pool...out to eat...repeat...the entire trip! It was glorious!

These two cuties on day 2!

She is just growing up so fast!
Hitting the waves! They had so much fun doing this during the week! They would just scream as they rode waves in!
Surf's up!
At little sand action!
Then pool time!
Daddy had fun throwing them around! ha!

Dinner time! They just COULD not WAIT to dress as twins...this and another outfit was on repeat the whole trip! I shouldnt have even packed any clothes for Lily! Good thing I had a washer in the room!

We went to eat and then went and saw Peter Rabbit 2 at the movies since it started storming. It was SUCH  a cute movie! We came home and crashed after!

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