Saturday, June 5, 2021


 We havent gone in over a year due to the land in Piedmont being disputed and BOY have we missed not being able to float and be on the land!

So....we played hookie yesterday {not really} and took off to do our 1st float in forever!

We had a great time!

The weather was perfection and since it had rained soooo much on Thursday...the water level was great!

Lily even kayaked by herself for the first time! All the other times she was tethered to Tyler so she was a little nervous at first but she quickly got the hang of it and was using her paddle to navigate herself!

We only had two moments...the whole time...where it was not peaceful. One being when Lily went under some branches and claimed her whole kayak/canoe was filled with spiders! It was comical actually...but she didnt think so. Once Tyler rowed over to her and they both determined that there was in fact no spiders everywhere...she calmed down! :)

The second was when Lily and I both got stuck in a section and I ended up dumping my kayak and turned it over. I got soaking wet but kept Lily from turning and once we got unstuck...all was well. I had to hold on to Lily and use her paddle because I lost mine and it floated on down the way. Luckily it was towards the end of our float so I didnt have to paddle and hang on to Lily for a long way! ha!

We had lunch before at Elevated Grounds in Piedmont. We have been wanting to try it and it did not disappoint and then we finished our day at Dugger Fudge which for SURE hit the spot with our Frio and fudge treats!

The Messers came over later on and we cooked out and rented the Cruella movie that has just been released. The girls watched it outside while us adults chatted inside! It was a perfection of a Friday!

Always one of my favorite views!

 Love these views as well!

 Lily did SO good! Especially for her first time! So proud of her!


 Daddy taught them how to skip rocks!

 Such a perfect day!

The sign of a great Friday night....and the fact that I need two dishwashers ASAP! :)


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