Monday, June 21, 2021

Father's day weekend with a boat ride!

 We got back Saturday afternoon....and as SOON as we were able...and had Alexis home...

they just could not wait to go ahead and give Tyler his Father's day gifts even though it was the very next day!

So, they did just that!

Alexis spent some time with Nan, Pawpaw, Aunt Pam, Richard and Gran while we were gone. Pam sent me this picture of Alexis. She said she had so much fun driving! :)

Once back home..............Daddy looking at all of his goodies! {Alexis was squeezing the mess out of Soccer because she said she has missed him}
Reading allll the sweet words! :) I hate this picture with Alexis is blurry but she was moving. :(
The actual day! Church ready!
The oldest...that is getting as tall as him!

A Daddy and his two girls! We had lunch after Church and then for dinner we cooked out at the Messers to celebrate the day! Tyler threw in cutting the grass and I threw in a couple of loads of laundry...ya know...we have been gone on vaca! ha!

We love you, Tyler, and are always thankful for you and what all you do for us!

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