Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Same age.....different year with a different girl!

 LOVE this!

Alexis was SO into American Girl when she was little. Lily has been the exact same!

For Alexis' 10th birthday {though we went when was still technically 9} we went to NYC and she just could NOT wait to go to the American Girl doll store!

Her year was made when she got her doll! forward to NOW....and for Lily's 10th birthday {though she is still technically 9} she got to go to California to the American Girl doll store!

Talk about impressive for two little girls..............I would say! :)

Circa 2017...Alexis in American Girl in NYC!

SO excited with her doll!
Fast forward....Lily..Circa 2021 in California!
Super a surfer girl chick...with her doll!

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