Friday, June 18, 2021

Day 3 and 4

 I have to say...our week went by pretty slow. Normally I feel like the week is over before I even get settled! It was perfection this year!

We missed Lex but she was so worn out from cheer and had more practice and volleyball practice so she had a very busy week!

Day 3!

The water was SO blue and calm on this day! We had several days like this...but day 3 was the most!

Just floating along!

Always find friends at the beach!

So peaceful!
Popsicles...everyday!....of course!
We got cleaned up and since it was Gran's birthday..she picked Outback for dinner and shopping! That is just what we did!
Cute stuff our way!

These two were super excited to get their best friends forever necklaces! They wore them the rest of the week!

My girl and I! I have to say....I did not take many pictures...and this was the VERY FIRST year that I didnt even bring my big camera with me. I am SO sad...but since we didnt have Alexis...I just didnt think family pictures should happen. We didnt even get a picture of us 3. Lily and Tyler were super excited about no the other hand...was sad about it!

One of several nights here! We just couldnt resist! SOOOO delish!

Came back just in time for movie night! Perfection!

Day 4!


SO cute!
More floating!
Getting a crop top! I can NOT believe I let them buy this! This outfit was on repeat the rest of the week to be twins too!

Then we went to ride go-carts after eating at Curvins!

Us two...vs...the others....


Well....the others.....won....BOO!

Last year...I there is that! ha!

We came back and crashed after hitting Alvins Island...and more yogurt! :)

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