Friday, June 25, 2021

SURPRISE for your 13!


 I have to say...I am tired...but it was a great afternoon celebrating Alexis and her turning 13!

She thought she wasnt going to have a birthday party because I told her that the California trip was her birthday!

She had no clue!

I hoped none of her friends would spill.....................Tyler spilled to Lily {of all people....} Lily can NOT keep a secret...but after threatening her.............she kept it! :) never go to Alexis and she was surprised!

Big thanks for Gran for helping me decorate, Aunt Pam for some of the cute decor and Nan and Pawpaw for keeping her away from home so I could set everything up and pull off the surprise!

Most all of her friends were able to make it {it is always so hard since her birthday is during a major holiday} so she was so happy to see all that came!

They did everything under the sun....volleyball....wiffleball, all things in the basement and more! Just hanging out and seeing each other since most havent since school has been out. 

Nan helped distract Lex today!

 It was a great night!

Look at that surprise! ha!

Nothing but good vibes!
Allll her friends...and there were more than just this!

Singing happy birthday!

Family picture!
Can NOT believe she is 13! {Well...ya know..she has a couple of days to go!}
They all love her and it makes my heart happy!
Taking a break from playing volleyball to go hit!
HAPPY birthday!
The girls!
Basement time!
Us girls!
Love them!
A fun crew!

I decorated the basement with lights and streamers. It was so fun in there! :)

FOR sure memories made this afternoon! LOVE!

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