Tuesday, June 1, 2021

On our way to Cali!

 We have been sooooo excited about this trip.....ever since...

Blake ruined the surprise at Meg and Chase's wedding back in April! ha! :)

NO better person or way to let the girls know that we were going to California....than Blake himself telling the surprise! ha! {That was priceless and hilarious when he asked them if they were soooo excited...and they did not have a CLUE what he was talking about!} ha!

So....Thursday....we loaded up with Gran and booked it to Birmingham to catch the plane! 

Talk about ending the last day of school! :)

Lily skipped the last day of school {technically it was just a half day and most no one goes anyways...}

We were all SO excited!

We got to California very late and by the time we got to our condo, we crashed!

 Heading to check in and fly off!

 Checked in and ready to go!

The next day was Friday so we slept in a little bit and then met Margie, Blake and Hank for lunch followed by the rest of the day doing alllll things San Diego! 

La Jolla is soooo beautiful!
All the palms!

The seals! They were neat to watch!

Having lunch and strolling with this little one was pretty awesome...especially with the view we had!

Family picture! Should have gotten Blake in too!

We went to their house for a little bit...so we got more snuggles!
In Alexis' defense....he was getting tired! ha!

Then we went to the most beautiful park and had a picnic! I have to say...I didnt expect it to be as chilly/cold as it was! They didnt even know I took this picture! Cutest little family ever!

The VIEW! Lily met a sweet friend! This dog just kept coming up to her wanting to play! There were a TON of dogs and people just sitting and lounging around! So fun!
I could stare at this alllll day long! We headed back to our condo very late and the next day.....Los Angeles! Stay tuned!

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