Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Los Angeles continued!

 After the Hollywood sign, we took off for more adventures in LA!

We headed to Rodeo drive and had lunch at a cute little place called The Farm.

I felt fancy eating along the expensive shops!

Then we saw Warner Brothers, shopped at The Grove, saw Beverly Hills and then headed to Malibu, Santa Monica and all along the coast before heading back to San Diego!

We had a FULL and FUN day of just zipping and exploring!

Beverly Hills...with really fancy and expensive homes!

Beverly Hills...with fancy shops too! Couture was right behind us. Just looking at those wedding dresses in the windows....just no words! {You can kind of see one in the background in this!}

We pulled up like we owned the place! ha!

Fun lunch in Beverly Hills!

Way toooo expensive on Rodeo drive! ha!
The Grove was more of our speed! We shopped until we dropped!
Love this picture!
It was a beautiful afternoon!
One of my favorite pictures!

Lily was THRILLED to shop at American Girl! What is funny is....when Alexis was 9 {turning 10} she was thrilled to shop in New York City. Well, Lily {turning 10} shopped in California!

I have to say....a perfect fit! Lex...NYC......Lily...Cali!

Dylan's Candy shop! So cool! Ralph Lauren's daughter's candy shop was soooo cute!
Treat break!

Blue skies and palms!

Warner Brothers! Where all the actors have their fancy offices!

It was neat seeing the set area!

Then....THIS! Where the Kardashians Calabasas, CA! Yeah...we couldnt get through the gate....but I really wanted to try! ha!

Oh...yeah....we are MALIBU!

Yeah...just doing Malibu!

I have to say....I could not get over how chilly it was....and the beach was just not impressive to me! Give me allll the white sands that is only 5 hours from me! :)

Malibu girls!

Checking it all out!

Driving along the coastline! It was rather scary with alllll the cars that were parked along the sides! They have no shame in just parking wherever!

The Santa Monica pier! We didnt stop but slowed down and checked it out! By this time...we were starving and tired! We headed back to San Diego and CRASHED!

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