Tuesday, June 1, 2021

OHH the cheer days....

 Do  you know what comes with allll the sports you want to do?!?!?!



Yeah...Summer work-outs!

So...Alexis got out of having to do it last Summer due to COVID!..............well.....THIS Summer...they are ON!

Yeah...today marked her 1st work-out day!

Next week starts both cheer AND volleyball!..........................

Yep...the time has come!

OH....I remember these days! And...though she goes to JHS and I went to SHS................work-outs still consist of basically the SAME things! :)

GET it girls! Bleachers....always the favorite! {said no ONE ever!} :)

They may not know it now...........or ever think it...but these days...will teach them strength, how hard work pays off....team building....and many many more life lessons. They just may not think it right now!
Work it...work it! :)

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